Tag Archives: Judith Bloch

Best Gift Ever: A Baby Grand Piano!!!

8 Sep

It has always been a dream of mine to own a grand piano.  For the entire 27 years that I have been practicing and studying the piano, I have never had my own grand piano.  My mom had an upright piano that was in okay shape in my early years, but by the time I was 10 I switched to practicing on a keyboard.  Since then, I have only owned keyboards.  During my various gigs and performances over the years I would always look forward to the opportunity to play on grand pianos, often very regularly, just never in my own home.

For all these reasons and more, I am in deep gratitude right now for receiving an absolutely amazing gift from my dear friend, Judith Bloch.  A couple weeks ago, Judith contacted me about a piano that had been in her family for 75 years and needed a new home.  She had wanted to donate it to her high school alma mater, but they couldn’t take it. She wanted to see if I had any ideas for where to send it. As luck would have it, we live in a space now that can actually fit a grand piano. Judith thought it over and decided she wanted the piano to go to me as she knows that I will use it and care for it just like her family had all these years.

The piano was delivered to our loft downtown last week and we had it tuned on Monday! It is a 6 foot Sohmer & Co baby grand piano with a very beautiful rosewood finish, and was manufactured in approximately 1910.  It was the rehearsal piano for the LA Philharmonic at one point in its long history. It had been in Judith’s family for 75 years: her mother had played it throughout her childhood and she had taken lessons on it for many years.  It also was in a fire a long time ago.  Judith’s father refinished the piano and the only trace of the fire is the under side of the lid which he left for remembrance.

The piano just after it was delivered!

The piano fits perfectly in our room in our loft and I am so incredibly happy to have received this precious gift.  I feel that this piano will ignite my creative process to greater heights!

There is just something about playing a real piano that is like nothing else in the world.  Even though the technology today can make a keyboard “sound” just like one, it is just not the same as actually playing on one.  The ivory keys, the hammers on the strings, the echo under the lid, the vibrations resonating out, the overtones, the look, the smell, opening the lid before even playing a note! I am already feeling more inspired to compose, create, practice and perform in my home.

I cannot thank you enough, Judith.  With all my heart I am in gratitude.  I will make sure that this is a gift that continues to keep on giving!